Seafood and Maritime Training (SMT) were pleased to welcome The Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth- The honourable Mr Felix Ellis to officially launch our new Pivot Maritime International Simulators.
SMT are excited to share this state-of-the-art equipment with our trainees and provide technological advances to the seafood and maritime industries training capabilities. Pivot’s Maritime simulators are being bought by navies and civil maritime operations around the globe, so SMT are using the best available technology.
SMT were able to commit funds as well as securing funding from a Small Business Growth Strategy Grant Program and receiving financial backing from Seafood Industry Tasmania (TIS).
The new simulators allow SMT to deliver more training to the seafood and maritime industries. They put students at the centre of learning so they can work towards achieving their qualifications to both pilot and navigate a range of vessels commonly used in the industry. Therefore, students will be more prepared when they do take to the water and the industry will end up with more-highly skilled seafarers to lead the next generation of the seafood and maritime workforce.

SMT team at VET Conference 2023
Excellent opportunity to keep us up to date with industry and networking.
Recently Michelle Dolbey (Business Operations Manager) and Jennifer Huryk (Quality and Compliance Officer) attended the 2023 National VET Conference held by Velg Training on the Gold Coast. The conference was held over two days and included a range of presentations, allowing for engagement in an assortment of plenary and electives sessions.
It was a beneficial opportunity to undertake professional development in specific areas and to meet with a variety of product and service providers as well as network with different VET providers across Australia.

Fees for Ps
Ongoing of a unique solution for Ps.
A number of newer workers found it quite difficult to get to work, especially where employees didn’t actually have a driver’s licence and because of the early morning start time. This is often compounded because most local oyster farms are not serviced by public transport.
Many employees, are therefore, relying heavily on family members and friends, to get to work.
We also recognised the commitment required of others to provide the 80 hours of supervised driving before a driver’s licence assessment can be attempted.
In an attempt to address this challenge and with the support of Oyster Tasmania, SMT has launched the Fees for Ps program and continuing supporting industry for student benefits.
The program offers up to 10 hours of formal driver training for suitable applicants in from the oyster farming industry which can be counted as 20 hours of supervised driving and provided professional driver training that can assist learner derived pass their P test.