Seafood & Maritime Training

MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal)

Delivered in Tasmania

Who is the qualification for?

The qualification is for commercial domestic vessel operators who are seeking a Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal (NC) Certificate of Competency.

This qualification meets part of AMSA’s training eligibility requirement for a Coxswain Grade 2 NC Certificate of Competency.

For more information about AMSA eligibility requirements for this Coastal Certificate of Competency see the AMSA website or contact the SMT office.

Qualification requirements

To receive a MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal) a   participant is required to complete all of the following 8 Core Units of Competency shown in the table below:

Core Units of Competency 


MARC037 Operate inboard and outboard motors

Coxswain Deck

MARI003 Comply with regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel up to 12 metres

MARJ006 Follow environmental work practices

MARK007 Handle a vessel up to 12 metres

MARN008 Apply seamanship skills aboard a vessel up to 12 metres

MARF027 Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment

Elements of Shipboard Safety

MARF028 Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel

MARF029 Meet work health and safety requirements


SMT offers these Units of Competency via a series of courses, shown in the table above. The details of each course can be found by following the links provided.

Things you need to know


There are no formal prerequisites for this qualification, however, some of these training courses have been designed for participants with considerable experience in operating small vessels. More information about this experience is provided in the course details along with 

  • Course requirements. 
  • How you will be trained and assessed.
  • What you will learn. 
  • How long each course is. 
  • What sort of credentials you will get if you successfully complete the course.
Meeting AMSA requirements within your training

SMT has incorporated AMSA’s Mandated Practical Assessments into its training and assessment strategy of each course. 

This means by successfully completing a course you are meeting that component of AMSA’s training requirements for the issuance of a Certificate of Competency.

Qualification outcome

At the successful completion of all the Core Units of Competency you will be issued with a Certificate for a MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal).  

Where SMT has delivered and assessed all the Units of Competency that lead to the issuance of this qualification you will have also met AMSA’s Mandated Practical Assessments requirement for the issuance of a Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal (NC) Certificate of Competency.

Please note that AMSA’s Mandated Practical Assessments outcomes expire 12 months after the date the assessor signs the AMPA cover page.  Please see AMSA website or contact the SMT office for more information. 

Additional AMSA Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal (NC) Certificate of Competency Certification requirements.

To be eligible for a Coxswain grade 2 near coastal certificate you must: 

  • Be at least 16 years old on the certificate issue date. 

In addition to the Certificate and AMPA outcome issued by SMT, AMSA certification will require:

  • Sea service consisting of:
    • 7 days qualifying sea service and a completed AMSA approved task book.


  • 60 days qualifying sea service
  • meeting the medical and eyesight requirements specified in the NSCV Part D
  • Other eligibility criteria may apply, seek further information from the AMSA website.


For eligible Tasmanian residents, this training is subsidised by the Department of State Growth, Tasmania.

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MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal)