Seafood & Maritime Training

Deck Machinery & Lifting Appliances

Delivered in Tasmania

Who is the course for?

This course covers the skills and knowledge required to operate deck machinery and lifting appliances for lifting and hauling operations on board an aquaculture or fishing vessel.

It includes the ability to carry out rope work, operate cranes, winches, capstans and windlasses, and assist in maintaining vessel stability and mooring operations.

This applies to individuals who operate vessel deck machinery and lifting appliances on a vessel where a licence or permit is not required.

NOTE: This course is not recommended for operators of vessel-mounted cranes that exceed a 10 ton 1 metre capacity.

What will I learn?

The course covers topics including:

  • vessel stability (including stability books)
  • using machinery and use of capstans, focusing on the use of cranes less than 10 ton 1 metre capacity; and
  • basic on-board slinging and lifting practices

How will I be trained and assessed?

SMT’s training and assessment is very practical and is conducted in the classroom and on-board a vessel that has the required equipment and will include:

  • written assessments of underpinning knowledge; and
  • practical assessments on-board a vessel and using a stability model

Things you need to know

Course requirements

This course is designed for those people who work on an aquaculture site or vessel.

It is recommended that participants need to have previously completed a Coxswain Deck course or have a thorough understanding of specific knots and how to tie and splice.

Participants who hold an appropriate crane licence or dogman’s qualification may be eligible for recognition for some aspects of the course.

How long is the course?

This is a 2-day course (9am – 5pm), with one day covering Stability and the other day covering Machinery.

All of the equipment, training and assessment materials that participants need will be provided by SMT.

Participants must bring their own work-style clothing and enclosed footwear.

What sort of credential(s) do I get if I successfully complete the course?

What sort of credential(s) do I get if I successfully complete the course?

If you successfully complete all of the written and practical assessments, you will receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for

  • SFIFSH301 Operate vessel deck machinery and lifting appliance


For eligible Tasmanian residents, this training is subsidised by the Department of State Growth, Tasmania.