Seafood & Maritime Training

Coxswain Navigation

Delivered in Tasmania

Who is the course for?

This course involves the skills and knowledge required to conduct the passage of a vessel up to 12 metres within the 15nautical mile (nm) limit; it includes using the range of equipment found on a vessel to plan and safely conduct the passage.

People wishing to complete the navigational component of a Coxswain Grade 1 (NC) who successfully complete all requirements of this course will meet the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) training requirement for Coxswain Grade 1 (NC) Restricted to Outboards CoC.

The course is also a requirement for people who are working towards a Coxswain Grade 1 (NC) CoC.

What will I learn?

The course covers topics including:

  • navigational charts, symbols and abbreviations
  • plotting instruments
  • tides and currents, position-fixing
  • plotting course and planning voyages
  • speed, time and distance calculations
  • magnetism, variation, deviation and compass error calculations

How will I be trained and assessed?

SMT provides training and assessment, and activities will include:

  • written assessments* of underpinning knowledge
  • steering a course and conducting a voyage practical
  • practical chart work and navigation 
  • verbal assessment of understanding of navigational actions throughout voyage

Things you need to know

Course requirements

This course is designed for participants who already have considerable experience in operating small vessels. SMT recommend students have completed the Coxswain Grade 1 (NC) CoC prior.

How long is the course?

This is a 2-day course (9am – 5pm), including practical sessions.

It is recommended that participants complete a ‘Maths for Mariners’ assignment before the course begins as part of preparing for the types of calculations that may be used. If required, SMT can assist with accessing free maths training.

All equipment, training and assessment materials that participants need will be provided.

Participants must bring their own writing materials, own work-style clothing and enclosed footwear appropriate to the forecast weather conditions.

equipment & materials

All equipment, training and assessment materials that participants need will be provided. Please bring your own writing materials.

What sort of credential(s) do I get if I successfully complete the course?

If you successfully complete all the written, practical and verbal assessments, you will receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for:

  • MARH013 Plan and navigate a passage for a vessel up to 12 metres


For eligible Tasmanian residents, this training is subsidised by the Department of State Growth, Tasmania.