Seafood & Maritime Training


Learn more about our award-winning, not-for-profit training service.

The latest from us

Stay up to date with all the latest news, announcement and discussions from the seafood, maritime and aquaculture industry.

Collaboration at Huon Valley Trade Training Centre

Chadd Mumme, Seafood and Maritime Training’s (SMT) Aquaculture Training Officer, recently visited the Huon Valley Trade Training Centre (HVTTC) to review their facilities and strengthen collaboration on aquaculture training programs. During his visit, Chadd worked closely with HVTTC trainer and assessor James Melbourne-Thomas to discuss the delivery of the Certificate

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Master 45 AMSA Oral Exams

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) conducted Master 45 Oral Exams at Seafood and Maritime Training (SMT) offices in Hobart over five days from October 22nd to October 31st. Fourteen SMT students participated in the exams, benefiting from group bookings organized in a familiar and comfortable environment. The use of

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SMT hosting a visit from overseas students to Tasmanian Aquaculture industry

Building International Collaboration in Tasmania Seafood and Maritime Tasmania (SMT) recently hosted a delegation from the Korean Marine Meister High School. The students visited the Huon Valley Trade Training Centre, Tassal, local oyster and abalone farms, gaining firsthand experience of the Tasmanian seafood industry. As part of the program delegates

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